Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration
OHPBA Spring Conference
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Pacific NW Truck Museum, Powerland Heritage Park
Brooks, OR (a few miles north of Salem)
Featured Speakers - the Blue Collar Proud Guys, John Frankel, NW Natural, John Crouch, HPBA, Tim Reed. Click HERE to see the full schedule. This is going to be an awesome meeting. We have great speakers, a large room with plenty of space for exhibits, indoor and outdoor. Plus the antique truck museum is great. Join us!
Title Sponsor - $2,000: Includes company name on all materials as title sponsor, sponsorship of OHPBA membership breakfast and annual meeting, up to 4 registrations, 2 display tables (or equivalent space), signage and 10 minutes of podium time to talk about your products and what's new at your company.
Monday Reception Sponsor $1,000. Exclusive sponsorship of reception at Vagabond Brewing in Salem, Monday night, April 16.
SOLD - Lunch Sponsor - $1,000: Includes sponsorship of lunch, up to 3 registrations, display table, signage and 5 minutes of podium time to talk about your products and what's new at your company.
SOLD - Morning Break Sponsor - $500: Includes sponsorship of both breaks, 2 registrations, display table, signage, and 2 minutes of podium time to talk about your products and what's new at your company.
SOLD - Seminar Sponsor - $500: Includes sponsorship of seminar of sponsor's choosing. Includes 2 registrations, display table, signage, and 2 minutes of podium time to talk about your products and what's new at your company.
SOLD - Afternoon Break, Reception Sponsor - $750: Includes sponsorship of afternoon snack breaks and reception, 2 registrations, display table, signage, and 2 minutes of podium time to talk about your products and what's new at your company.
Exhibit table - $250: Includes 2 registrations, display table. Some displays will be outdoor, under a tent. Let us know your preference. Indoor tables limited to 3. Nonprofit organizations receive a free exhibit table. Contact our office to get signed up at 503-585-8254.
Terms and conditions:
All sponsorships and tables require advanced payment.
Additional tables: may be purchased for $250.
Location: Tables will be located in the same room as the meeting around the perimeter. Outdoor spaces are right next to the kitchen area convenient to the main room.
Set up: from 6:30 - 8:00 am
Tear down: not before afternoon break concludes
Guests: On the online form, "guests" are those people from your company that are attending the conference other than the main person. Please only enter the number of guests allowed for your sponsor category.
Registration form CLICK HERE
Contact OHPBA 503-585-8254 or email Harvey Gail, OHPBA Executive Director at Harvey@vannattapr.com
Pics: Interior of Meeting Room, Interior of Truck Museum; Blue Collar Proud Guys - Carter and Taylor.