Best Western PLUS Hood River Inn
1108 E Marina Dr.  Hood River, OR 97031

Register: click HERE

Download the Meeting Flyer: HPBA Region 9 Conference Flyer v2.pdf



Sunday, May 5

Golf Tournament - Indian Creek Golf Club, Hood River - 4 person scramble, tee times start at 10:00 am. 

5:00 - 7:00 pm - Welcome Reception - Best Western Hood River Inn. Join us for social time and fun indoor "yard games." Corn hole, giant Jenga, beer pong... and appetizers and drinks will be served! - Sponsored by Western Hearth Distributors

Monday, May 6

8:00 - 8:45 am – Breakfast & Visit Exhibitors - Sponsored by Wing Sales

8:45 - 9:00 am - Welcome, Exhibitor Introductions - Scott Ongley and Tim Reed

9:00 am - 12:00 pm - CONCURRENT SESSION - NFI CORE Review Class (Course only. Exams are done online).  Speaker: Mark Humprey, National Fireplace Institute. For information on how to register for the NFI review course, click HERE

9:00 – 10:00 am – Tim Read, WhyFire - Building a Framework of Sales Management

10:00 – 10:30 am – Edward Hosack and John Crouch - The State of Wood Stoves

10:30 – 10:50 am – Break & Visit the Exhibitors - Sponsored by DuraVent

10:50 – 11:40 am – Government Affairs Hot Topics - Carolyn Logue, NWHPBA Lobbyist; Corey Krill, HPBA Government Affairs (virtual); Harvey Gail, OHPBA Lobbyist/Executive Director; John Crouch, HPBA Government Affairs; Natasha Jackson, NW Gas Association.

11:40 - 12:00 pm – Break with Exhibitors - Sponsored by United Buyers Group, LLC

12:00 – 12:30 pm – Lunch - Sponsored by NW Gas Association

12:30 – 1:00 pm – NWHPBA & Oregon HPBA Affiliate Membership Meetings (break out rooms)

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm - CONCURRENT SESSION, Continued - NFI Gas Review Class (Course only. Exams are done online)

1:00 – 2:00 pm – Retailer Roundtables. Gather around tables to discuss topics of importance to the hearth industry.  During the wrap up session, share what your group discussed!

2:00 – 2:15 pm – Break with Exhibitors - Sponsored by NW Natural

2:15 – 3:00 pm – Jill McClure, President and CEO, HPBA (Virtual - Leadership Topic)

3:00 - 3:45 pm - Creating a Culture Around Core Value, Panel Discussion.  Dan Hammer,  Ryann Blake, Matt Bradley. Harvey Gail, Moderator.

3:45 – 3:50 pm – Short Break

3:50 – 4:45 pm – Matt Bradley, WhyFire -  Hiring and Inspiring Gen Z: Part 2

4:45 – 5:00 pm – Wrap Up. Get your Grab bags for the road! Sponsored by Tri-State Distributors

Hotel Information:

Hotel: Rooms at the Best Western PLUS Hood River Inn are being held.  Call 1-800-828-7873 and mention "Hearth Patio Barbecue Conference." Address:  1108 E Marina Dr, Hood River, OR 97031 (next to the bridge crossing the Columbia River).

Brought to you by:


Thank You Sponsors and Exhibitors!

Western Hearth Distributors - Welcome Reception Sponsor
Wing Sales - Breakfast Sponsor, Exhibitor
Associated Energy Systems - Exhibitor
NW Gas Association - Lunch Sponsor, Exhibitor
DuraVent - Break Sponsor
Fireplace Products US, Inc. / Regency - Exhibitor
Acumentor / Smokeless Chimney - Exhibitor
LOU powered by EVOSUS - Exhibitor
Independent Stove GAP 2020 - non-electric pellet stove - Exhibitor
United Buyers Group, LLC - Break Sponsor
NW Natural - Break Sponsor
Tr-State Distributors - Grab bag amenity sponsor

Be a sponsor, have a booth! Get a live interview, logo placement and attendee list. Exhibit Booth: $750 (includes 2 registrations)

Wing Sales


Session Descriptions

The State of Wood Stoves

This session, hosted by John Crouch and Edward Hosack will bring you up to speed on developments in wood stove regulations. These regulatinos are complex and the government agencies involved can be confusing. Who are these agencies - EPA, NESCAUM, ADEC? How do they regulate the industry? How are wood stoves tested? Also, find out what the IRS is thinking about on the woodstove tax credit (Hint, the amount doesn’t change, but the process for customers to claim the credit probably will). Learn what is being considered and how that may impact retailers. Learn what's coming up with expiring certificates. Can you sell a woodstove once it’s certificate expires? earn with HPBA is doing to challenge USEPA and how we are asking the U.S. Senate for help. Learn how the new safety standard for wood inserts will work, and what retailers will need to do to meet it!

Retailer Roundtables

In this session we will break off into small groups to discuss a variety of current and pressing issues impacting retailers.  This is your opportunity to hear other points of view and get new ideas of how to addressing the important tissues impacting your business.  

Government Affairs Hot Topics

Hear from government affairs managers on topics form legislative action, building codes and regulatory changes that impact the products you sell. We will take a look at local regulatory proposals at the city level all the way to federal proposals. This is a complex environment that often confuses consumers. You likely get a lot of questions and misinformation form your customers. Hear it from the experts first and you'll be able to navigate those sales conversations to your benefit.  

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