Spring Conference 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019
The Oregon Garden Resort Silverton, OR
Schedule, speakers, topic descriptions: CLICK HERE
This year our destination is the fabulous Oregon Garden and the Oregon Garden Resort.
In mid-May the Garden will be in full bloom - the perfect backdrop for our theme!
Jack Goldman, HPBA Executive Director/CEO - HPBA Update
Tim Reed - Make it Easy: How to sell more by eliminating customer confusion; Leadership 101: Real world examples of running a successful hearth business (with Grant Falco).
John Frankel, NW Natural - Carbon Cap and Trade
Eric Falk - Energy Trust of Oregon Update
Don Pierce, AES - SIT Proflame Training Workshop and Power Vent Systems/Venting Troubleshooting and Why Certification Matters
Grant Falco, Tim Reed, Mary VanNatta - Story Brand
Grant Falco - Social Media Basics (breakout)
Other speakers TBD
Sponsors and Exhibitors:
Associated Energy Systems - Seminar Sponsor
Hearth & Home Technologies - Lunch sponsor
Tri-State Distributors
Travis Industries - Seminar Sponsor
M&G Duravent, Greater NW Reps - Morning Break Sponsor
NW Natural - Afternoon Break Sponsor
Olympia Chimney Supply
Energy Trust of Oregon
Wing Sales
To sponsor and exhibit at the conference, Click HERE.
Hotel Suggestions:
NOTE! Unfortunately, the Oregon Garden Resort and Silverton Inn and Suites are sold out for May 19.
Here are some other suggestions:
Holiday Inn Express 971-718-5335
Market and I-5 Salem:
Holiday Inn 503-370-7888
Doubletree by Hilton 503-581-7004
Shilo Inn 503-581-4001
Below: Gateway to the Oregon Garden. Acres of flowers will greet you in May!

Questions Contact OHPBA 503-585-8254 or email Harvey Gail, OHPBA Executive Director