Join us for our third Membership Breakfast of the fall!
December 12, 2012 7:30 - 9 am Elmer's Restaurant 10001 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland, OR 503-256-2150 Click here for a map
Hearth Installation Licensing: Is it in Our Future?
As a followup to our November breakfast meeting, we would like to discuss proactive steps we can take to introduce licensing for hearth installations. Action would be required at the legislative level. What kind of program would work best? What are the steps involved?
If you can't make it to the meeting, but would like to "be there" virtually, we can Skype you in! Anyone wanting to participate with us on line MUST let us know in advance. Attendees will bring an i-Pad or notebook so we can Skype in a fellow OHPBA member. If you would like to participate this way, contact us at 503-585-8254.
Registration is free - breakfast on your own - but please RSVP so we know who is attending!
OHPBA, PO Box 135, Salem, OR 97308-0135, 503-585-8254, www.ohpba.org Affiliated with Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, Arlington, VA www.hpba.org