Learn how Hearth and HVAC companies can help preserve energy choice
Breakfast Hosted by NW Natural
Speakers: John Frankel, Nina Carlson
Monarch Hotel
12566 SE 93rd Ave, Clackamas, OR
7:30 am - 9:00 am
Learn about the latest proposals for gas bans in Oregon. Be informed on how to talk to your customers about the importance of energy choice. Learn grass roots strategies to help inform elected officials and your customers about the importance of maintaining a reliable and resilient energy grid. Get informed about developments in renewable natural gas. Learn from other organizations promoting energy choice.
We have a great group of speakers, including John Frankel, our Marketing Director who will be discussing the significance of climate change and NW Naturals efforts and goals. Then you will have a chance to hear from Nina Carlson our Government Affairs Manager along with a few others.