HPBA Region 9 - Annual Meeting 2022
Virtual via Zoom
May 12, 2022
Registration: Attendees fees are $40 for HPBA members, $65 for non-members, $100 for "classroom" format where several people from your office can watch at one time.
Register: click HERE
The In’s and Outs of Selling Linear Fireplaces! Removing the HeadachePublic Affairs Update: Gas Bans and Reach Codes, what it means for the hearth industryIgnite Your Inner F.L.A.M.E.Creating the Perfect Showroom to Sell In
Speakers, agenda: click HERE
Sponsors: Your support includes logo/link on the website, logo on slides during the event, and a live sponsor interview (2 minutes) during the Zoom meeting. Your sponsorship helps pay our speaker fees. Cost $250.
Zoom in with us: All attendees will receive the log in for the Zoom meeting. In Zoom you can see the other attendees and the speakers, chat with each other and pose questions.
Harvey Gail, OHPBA Executive Director harvey@vannattapr.com
Katie Bohocky, NWHPBA Executive Director, nwhpba@aminc.org
OHPBA, PO Box 135, Salem, OR 97308-0135, 503-585-8254, www.ohpba.org Affiliated with Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, Arlington, VA www.hpba.org