NFI Certification
Hearth Design Specialist
August 6, 2020
8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Location Review: TBD
Location Test: TBD
For details on this certification, click HERE.
$225.00 HPBA member with coupon code*
$337.50 non member
Manual, review course, and exam.
Register at NFI:
This is an RSVP only so we know who is taking the review course. You will need to register and pay for the review course and exam directly with NFI. Here is the procedure:
1. Go to
2. Click on the Industry tab
4. Click on Purchase Manuals, Exams and Other Materials
5. Click on NFI Reference Manuals and Exams
6. Select the package you want for Hearth Design Specialist (Exam only, Manual & exam, Retake or renewal)
7. Add it to your shopping cart and process the payment.
8. During the payment process you will be asked where to take the exam. Choose NFI Partner Event and then choose "Oregon Hearth Design Specialist & Exam August 6, 2020."
9. Once this is complete, if you are an HPBA/OHPBA member you will receive a special coupon code for OHPBA that will give you the member rate.
Timelines, Requirements:
People should sign up minimum of 6 weeks prior (by June 23) to allow manual to ship manuals and to study the material. This is in a concurrent session, but breaks and lunch is included.
Attendees must bring an internet ready laptop (no tablets). Those who register will be sent a link to pay for the course and to submit shipping info for the manual.
Matthew Clement, Certified NFI instructor
The exam is on the following day, August 7.
Agenda - August 6
8:30 - 9:00 Check in, Orientation
9:00 - 12:00 Review course, Hearth Design Specialist
12: 00 - 12:30 - Lunch
12-30 - 3:30 - Review Course, Continued
Agenda - August 7 EXAM
Bring laptop, small calculator, scratch pad
8:30 - 9:30 Check in, Orientation
9:30 - 12:00 Exam, Hearth Design Specialist no late arrivals!
Exam time ends 12:00
12: 00 - 1:00 - Lunch
*Coupon Codes
NFI has a new procedure for determining member pricing. Previously, there were 3 price choices when you select items from the website: HPBA Member price (30% discount), NFI or CSIA Certified price (20% discount) and Retail price. Moving forward only the Retail price will be shown and you will have a coupon code to enter if you are an HPBA Member or NFI/ CSIA Certified.
Once you enter the code during checkout the price will automatically be adjusted to the same price it has been.
HPBA Members can get their code from OHPBA. Call 503-585-8254. NFI Certified Technicians can get their code from NFI. Please contact NFI if you have any questions at