OHPBA Seminar:
Meet to Win! Why regular meetings are the key to growing your business and breaking free from the chaos
Seminar - Presenter, Tim Reed
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
GENSCO, Training room
3170 West 5th Street, Eugene
Can't be there in person? Participate by Web Meeting. Cost: $75
9:45 - 10:00 am Registration, Breakfast
10:00 - Noon Seminar
Noon - 1:00 Optional Lunch
Most hearth companies are in a constant state of whirlwind. Between customer call backs, missing parts, getting estimates out on time, and constant understaffing it’s all business owners and managers can do to keep the doors open month-to-month—much less focus on growing the business.
Whether your company has 5 or 50 people, building a cadence of regular meetings is the step you need to take in order to break free from the daily chaos and intentionally grow your business.
This class will teach you:
- Why a cadence of regular meetings is so hard to start (but has a huge payoff down the road)
- Which 3 kinds meetings you have to start with (this will transform the way that team members see their place in your company)
- How to create an agenda for each meeting that you can use again and again (this will pave the way for all kinds of other opportunities)
Don’t go another year working with nothing to show for it! Rather, take control of your company, rally your team members around your brand, build a business that’s bigger than you, and reap the financial benefits along the way!
Rates: Member $50, Nonmember $100, Web meeting $75.
Contact OHPBA 503-585-8254 or email Harvey Gail, OHPBA Executive Director at Harvey@vannattapr.com
Participants by Web Meeting will be sent a link for a Zoom Meeting.