OHPBA Retail Sales Seminar:
Selling to Today’s Consumer - 7 Steps to radically improve your sales team so they can serve more customers
Presenter, Tim Reed
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Broadway Commons - Mexico Room 304, 1300 Broadway St NE, Salem OR
Directions: take I-5 Market Street exist, go west about 1 mile. Room 304 is on the 3rd floor kind of above and to one side of the coffee shop. Take the elevators.
7:30 - 8:30 am light breakfast, coffee. Seminar starts at 8:30 am, concludes at noon, Lunch optional.
Most hearth companies are losing money every year because of ineffective sales techniques- largely due to lack of training. The fact is that businesses do not have a consistent sales process that is used to guarantee a delightful customer experience. Also, this lack of a formal process makes it nearly impossible to train and retain salespeople, leading to frustration and burnout on all fronts.
This class will teach your Sales Team seven steps to move the needle immediately in regards to their effectiveness on the sales floor and give you a road map to continue their growth in the coming months. By the end of the class your team will understand these three critical aspects of Sales:
1. How to motivate and harness a customer’s momentum with a consistent sales process
2. Why customers want to be asked for the sale (and how to do it)
3. How to follow up with customers for higher close rates and repeat business
Most businesses in our industry have no structure in regards to this, resulting in a team of “great information givers” and “mediocre salespeople”. In addition, the companies who are fortunate enough to have good salespeople have no way to constantly replicate their success so that their business can scale. The answer is simpler than you think.
Your company can win the Sales Game if you understand these principles. This class is not theory, but rather, proven practices that have helped companies go from sub-million to multi-million dollar operations in only a few years. Take control of your Sales Process and serve more customers than you ever thought possible - your team members (and your wallet) will thank you for it.
7:30 - 8:30 Registration, Breakfast
8:30 - Noon Seminar
Noon - 1:00 Optional Lunch
Contact OHPBA 503-585-8254 or email Harvey Gail, OHPBA Executive Director at Harvey@vannattapr.com