NFI Gas Certification Manual, Exam and Online Review Class
April 6, 2018
Breakfast, OHPBA Update: 8:00 am
NFI Gas Exam: 9:00 am - Noon
The Riverhouse Convention Center, Cascade C
3075 N Hwy 97, Bend, OR 97703 Bend, OR. Directions: Cascade C in the Convention Centerr is the 3rd room when you walk in. If you are staying at the hotel, you can walk over, or park in the parking lot at the Convention Center.
Who Should Attend
Anyone interested in being certified by the National Fireplace Institute should consider ordering the manual (NFI Gas, Version 5) and taking the exam. A representative from OHPBA will be present to proctor the test.
NFI Gas Test Information
The NFI exam is limited to 2 1/2 hours. As soon as we receive your registration for the test, we will upload your data to NFI and they will send you the NFI Gas Manual. The key to passing the exam is to study the manual. Registration also includes an online review class. Details on that will be sent to you. Right before the test at 9:00 am we will answer questions about the format of the exam and rules for taking it. The test is in "paper form." The exam will begin approximately 9:30 am. We will have light breakfast items and coffee available.
NFI Gas Manual and Test Prices
Manuals: We need to make sure people have time to study the manual, so no more registrations will be taken after March 5 UNLESS you already have the current manual (Version 5). If you already have a manual and would like to take the TEST ONLY, call OHPBA at 503-585-8254 after March 5.
Rates: NFI manual and test are $425.00 (member) and $625.00 (non member). To receive the member rate you must provide your store's current HPBA member number. These rates are discounted slightly from published NFI rates.
Limited Seating: due to space considerations for proctoring the test, registration is limited to 15people.
Convention Center - Cascade C