Join us for our Breakfast meeting in Sherwood
September 19, 2017
8:00 - 10:00 am
Northwest Natural - Sherwood Training Facility,
20285 SW Cipole Rd. Sherwood OR 97140
Hot Spots Research Study
Speaker: Troy Olsen, Account Executive, Napolean
Hot Spots Research Study: This advanced session debuts the results of new research that examined how key home features impact room appeal, and future home purchase decisions. This study of over 900 consumers interested in purchasing a new home or a major remodel, reveals how homeowner views and values of various rooms have evolved, and what can be done from a design standpoint to increase purchase intent or enhance the experience of their existing home.
· Discover which rooms carry the most weight regarding importance, emotional impact, appeal, and why.
· Learn what designs and amenities make key areas of the home more appealing.
· Explore how geography, gender and other demographic dynamics differ.
· Examine specific design details you can easily integrate in to your plans, presentations, or projects.
I will have a handout for each person attending, with additional information for those who request it. There are NAHB, NKBA, NFI, and AIA credits available for those parties interested as well.
Can't be there? Join us Online!
There are no excuses for not attending. If don't live in the Portland area, find a computer with a webcam, and join us on Skype. Haven't used Skype? We'll teach you how, and we'll practice a bit before the meeting day. (The additional benefit is that you will start Skyping all your friends and relatives and maybe even your customers!) If you are joining us on Skype, bring your breakfast to the computer; we don't want to eat alone! If you have an I-phone, I-Pad or Mac, Facetime also works and is easier than Skype. If you are going to attend by Skype or Facetime, contact Gail English (360-606-3311 or, and she'll get you started.