Join us for our first Breakfast meeting of 2017!
April 11, 2017 7:30 - 9:00 am Hale's Restaurant 2755 SE Tualatin Valley Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 503-648-9353 Update: Washington County Woodstove Changeout, Woodsmoke Curtailment Program
This is an important meeting for installers, dealers and chimney sweeps in Washington County and Hillsboro in particular. Washington County has just about completed the first year of their wood stove changeout. The next phase of the program will be described as well as the process for installers to take part in the changeout contracts.
Tim Davis, WA County Department of Health and Human Services
Time permitting, we will also have a brief update on developments in the 2017 Legislature.
Who Should Attend
If you sell in Washington County, this meeting is for you. Anyone selling or servicing wood stoves or providing chimney sweeping services should attend to learn about the issue and understand the options the City and County will take in the future.
Can't be there? Join us Online!
There are no excuses for not attending. If don't live in the Portland area, find a computer with a webcam, and join us on Skype. Haven't used Skype? We'll teach you how, and we'll practice a bit before the meeting day. (The additional benefit is that you will start Skyping all your friends and relatives and maybe even your customers!) If you are joining us on Skype, bring your breakfast to the computer; we don't want to eat alone! If you have an I-phone, I-Pad or Mac, Facetime also works and is easier than Skype. If you are going to attend by Skype or Facetime, contact Gail English (360-606-3311 or gailenglish@englishestatewinery.com), and she'll get you started.
OHPBA, PO Box 135, Salem, OR 97308-0135, 503-585-8254, www.ohpba.org Affiliated with Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, Arlington, VA www.hpba.org