Investing in your Employees and Creating a Culture of Success
July 15, 2016
7:00 - 8:30 am Monarch Hotel, 12566 SE 93rd Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015 (503) 652-1515
Speaker: Tim Reed, Fireside Home Solutions
The culture that we create within our business sets the tone for everything that we do. As an owner or manager this is the most valuable contribution we can make to our business. Your culture will either inspire and motivate employees to work for your brand or it will frustrate and exasperate them into apathy towards it. This effect reaches much further than you as an owner/manager can and needs to be taken seriously. Are you satisfied with your employees’ level of engagement or do you wish they cared more? Have you created a culture in your business that allows them to thrive? Often, there is truth to the ol’ saying “Your system is perfectly designed to yield the exact results you are getting”. Learn what steps you can take to Create a Culture of Success in your business.
Eat: 7:00 - 7:45
Program: 7:45 - 8:30
Cost: Free, breakfast on your own
Who Should Attend
All OHPBA members, past members, industry veterans, and those new to the industry.
Can't be there? Join us Online!
There are no excuses for not attending. If don't live in the Portland area, find a computer with a webcam, and join us on Skype. Haven't used Skype? We'll teach you how, and we'll practice a bit before the meeting day. (The additional benefit is that you will start Skyping all your friends and relatives and maybe even your customers!) If you are joining us on Skype, bring your breakfast to the computer; we don't want to eat alone! If you have an I-phone, I-Pad or Mac, Facetime also works and is easier than Skype. If you are going to attend by Skype or Facetime, contact Gail English (360-606-3311 or gailenglish@englishestatewinery.com), and she'll get you started.
OHPBA, PO Box 135, Salem, OR 97308-0135, 503-585-8254, www.ohpba.org Affiliated with Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Association, Arlington, VA www.hpba.org