Join us for our first breakfast meeting of 2016!
January 12, 2016
7:00 - 8:30 am
Holiday Inn
25425 SW 95th Ave, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Download the flyer: OHPBA_Breakfast_Flyer_1-12-16.pdf
Topic: "Tell it Like it is: It's Your Turn"
January's meeting is an opportunity for you to share what you believe the future of the hearth and patio products industry holds.
- What does the future of the hearth and patio products industry look like?
- How do regulations and building codes affect you?
- Is there a need for more diversification in your retail product line?
- What sales methods should we be using but aren’t?
- What can your trade association OHPBA or HPBA do for you?
This is a conversation, but it’s also the beginning of OHPBA's strategic planning process. The OHPBA board will hold a strategic planning session in the spring. We need your input as members to guide our board. Your thoughts will also be summarized and presented to the HPBA, our national association. So please join us; it’s YOUR TURN to have a say in what’s going on in the hearth industry!
Eat: 7:00 - 7:45
Moderated Discussion: 7:45 - 8:30
Who Should Attend
All OHPBA members, past members, industry veterans, and those new to the industry.
Take this quick survey
Prior to coming, please take this quick 2 question survey. It should take less than a minute. Click HERE.
Can't be there? Join us Online!
There are no excuses for not attending. If don't live in the Portland area, find a computer with a webcam, and join us on Skype. Haven't used Skype? We'll teach you how, and we'll practice a bit before the meeting day. (The additional benefit is that you will start Skyping all your friends and relatives and maybe even your customers!) If you are joining us on Skype, bring your breakfast to the computer; we don't want to eat alone! If you have an I-phone, I-Pad or Mac, Facetime also works and is easier than Skype. If you are going to attend by Skype or Facetime, contact Gail English (360-606-3311 or, and she'll get you started.